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Why is Latin American Inequality So Extreme?

For as long as data on income inequality has been available, Latin America has stood as one of the world’s two most unequal regions (along with Sub-Saharan Africa). Despite some promising declines during the 2000s, inequality in many countries remains higher today than it was in the 1970s, suggesting a persistent high-inequality political economy equilibrium.

Inspired by the Deaton Review of inequality in the UK, an independent group of scholars from across many countries and disciplines – co-sponsored by the International Inequalities Institute at LSE; the Inter-American Development Bank; Yale University; and the Institute for Fiscal Studies – is launching a five-year review of what we know – and what we need to learn – about the nature, causes and consequences of the high-inequality equilibrium in Latin America.

In this public launch event, three of the Review Panel members and two eminent discussants will present and debate some of the core questions of the nascent LAC Inequality Review.

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